WP Plugins

Customize WordPress notifications on your website

Ever wonder how to customize those pesky notifications that go to new users or subscribers on your WordPress website? Better Notifications for WordPress does just that. The site admin can personalize any of the default email notifications or create their own. This plugin also lets you choose if you want to send these out to individuals or an entire role.

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Display all your social media feeds on one WordPress page

Juicer compiles all your social media feeds into one beautifully laid out design. Just choose the social media accounts you want displayed on your website and configure the WordPress plugin. Once installed, there is no need to to touch it again and posts from Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, etc. will be continually added to your page.

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Customize WordPress user email notifications

Better Notifications is a great way to send out automatic email notifications to individuals, groups or users by role on WordPress. With this plugin you can customize the email using the WYSIWYG editor and short-codes. For example, the administrator can notify all subscribers when a new post has gone up on the website and include a logo, a link to the website and an unsubscribe button in the email.

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