Customize WordPress notifications on your website

Review: Better Notifications for WordPress

Ever wonder how to customize those pesky notifications that go to new users or subscribers on your WordPress website? Better Notifications for WordPress does just that. The site admin can personalize any of the default email notifications or create their own. This plugin also lets you choose if you want to send these out to individuals or an entire role.

Problem We Faced

Out of the box, WordPress comes with several automated email notifications. Some of these aren’t user friendly, and can be difficult for site administrators to update.

The Solution

This plugin was the clear solution to our problem, as there was no set up involved. Better yet, creating custom notifications was just as simple thanks to the WYSIWYG editor format.

What We Would Change

Over all there is really nothing about this plugin I dislike. A possible future upgrade might be if it was compatible with Visual Composer.

Price: Free

Platform: WordPress

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Customize WordPress notifications on your website

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