Download a list of every page and post on your WordPress website

Review: Export All URLs

This plugin was made for easy extraction of data. Post and page URLs can be exported into a handy csv file for quick sorting. We have found this is extremely useful when trying to gauge the number of pages on a WordPress website.

Problem We Faced

We needed to create page redirects on a site that had hundreds of blog posts. Clicking through each one individually would have taken hours and we didn’t want to comb through every page to make sure each one was redirecting properly.

The Solution

We used this plugin to download all our website’s blog post URLs onto one concise list. From there we were able to quickly spot any holes and update accordingly.

What We Liked

We liked that this plugin takes the place of what could be a time consuming task. For example, when checking for broken links, Export All URLs creates a list of posts that can be pasted into any browser. From here it’s much quicker to check tens of links.

Price: Free

Platform: WordPress

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Download a list of every page and post on your WordPress website

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