Hide YouTube Related Videos

There has been an update to YouTube’s policy and this plugin no longer functions. Click here to view the updated solution.

Review: Hide YouTube Related Videos

Hide YouTube Related Videos does exactly what it says — hide related videos that would show up after playing a YouTube video on any WordPress website.

Problem We Faced

One of our clients had a YouTube video embedded in their site and when it was done playing, we noticed a bunch of “related” videos would appear to the user. Since these were not related to our video at all, we needed a way to just go back to the beginning after it was done playing.

The Solution

All we had to do for this plugin was download and activate with no configuration or coding necessary. Once the activation was done, we just needed to refresh the page and the plugin had done its job. We no longer had related videos show at the end of playing.

What We Liked

Ease of use is why we will continue using this plugin for YouTube videos on our sites. It turned a task that could have required time and custom coding, to a quick fix that takes just a few minutes to complete.

Price: Free

Platform: WordPress

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Hide YouTube Related Videos

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