The simple solution to online content sharing

Review: Share Buttons

AddToAny’s Share Buttons are simple icons that can be integrated onto any platform to share posts and articles. It can optimize your site’s posts, encouraging your visitors to share your articles on their own social media pages or website.

Problem We Faced

We were looking for a simple way to allow site visitors to share content from our WordPress blog on social media.

The Solution

The Share Buttons plugin was an easy solution to our problem because of its responsive and easy to customize interface. We were able to create share buttons that would stay in place, even when scrolling, so content can be shared from any point on the page. It features a “share counter” so keeping track of shared posts is a breeze. Share Buttons also integrates your Google Analytics account so you are able to view all your statistics on one dashboard.

What We Liked Most

What we liked most about this plugin was its easy customizations. The clean set up is easy for WordPress beginners and is useful to any website. With its mobile capability, we were able to have our share buttons react even when visitors were not on a desktop. Finally, we loved that each share could be recorded into our existing Google Analytics without extra setup.

Price: Free

Platform: WordPress

Company: AddToAny

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The simple solution to online content sharing

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