Review: Automatically Send Emails for new Blog Posts

Review: Subscribe 2

Problem We Faced
Our client needed a simple solution to allow users to subscribe to their WordPress blog posts.

The Solution

After researching several options, we’re glad we landed on Subscribe2. It provides a clean, simple solution to capturing user email addresses, and automatically sending out new posts to those users. It also can create a community of active users who are able to recommend, like and comment on your posts. The setup required no custom coding, and our client was up and running in no time.

How Could This Plugin Be Improved?
Can’t think of anything. So far, it has been working great for us.

What We Liked Most

We liked that it gave viewers the option to sign up using theirFfacebook account as an alternative. It not only saves time for the viewer when signing up, it also can virally encourage their friends to sign up.

Price: Free ($15 for the  Subscribe 2 Pro Widget)

Platform: WordPress

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Review: Automatically Send Emails for new Blog Posts

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