Get the most out of your Facebook feed

Review: Facebook Feed

Company: Ankit Argawal and Priyanshu Mittal

Problem We Faced

We had a client who wanted to boost their social media presence by adding a Facebook feed onto their website that would display their posts and social media activity.

The Solution

Facebook Feed was a clean, simple solution to solve our client’s request. The plugin did a great job of posting the Facebook feed and also shows FB events our client is planning.

How Could This Plugin Be Improved?

This plugin is in its infancy, and has only basic functionality for now. The only reason why we gave this Facebook plugin a three stars review is because we think it can be improved more. We thought that that adding the comment and like button for logged on users would be great. It is a great plugin to have and the developers have taken a lot of time to map out future plans for next update. We will revisit our review and rating as future updates come out.

What We Liked Most

This Facebook plugin is not hard to use. It is very straight forward code wise and did not take much effort to install. We look forward to seeing what the developers will come up with next.

Price: Free

Platform: WordPress

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Get the most out of your Facebook feed

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