Display your PDF documents as an online book

Review: Real 3D FlipBook

Real 3D FlipBook displays books, magazines and brochures on your site, set up to look like a real book. Readers can flip through the book on a desktop or mobile device that features moving pages.

Problem We Faced

A client came to us and wanted a way to present their literature and e-brochures in a more visually appealing way than just an attachable PDF.

The Solution

We used the Real 3D FlipBook plugin as an answer to our clients needs. We found that while it looked good on the site, it was not a reliable plugin.

What We Didn’t Like

The plugin was difficult to use and didn’t always work as promised. We had multiple books to create and so far have only found success in one. Even when the book is able to open, the pages flip slowly and the tools to zoom and change the layout lag.

Overall, we liked the concept of the plugin but were not impressed with the execution. We’ll keep you updated on solutions or a flipbook plugin we like better.

Price: $32

Platform: WordPress

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Display your PDF documents as an online book

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