Easily access Google Analytics from your WordPress dashboard

Review: Google Analytics Dashboard for WordPress

This plugin shows a summary of your site’s Google Analytics account right from the dashboard of any WordPress site. We had previously reviewed another Google Analyics plugin and have recently found this one is easier for our clients to use with a more efficient set up.

Problem We Faced

CaptureA client came to us asking for a monthly analytics report of their website, including number of page views, sessions and bounce rate.

The Solution

The Google Analytics Dashboard made for a quick solution. All we had to do was download the free plugin and the settings were simple and intuitive to configure.

What We Liked Most

We love that the client is able to go on the back-end of their site and see their data without the inconvenience of opening a new page.

How Could This Plugin be Improved

As of now, we have no complaints about the Google Analytics Dashboard. We’ll keep you posted with any new developments.

Price: Free

Platform: WordPress

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Easily access Google Analytics from your WordPress dashboard

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