Customize WordPress user email notifications

Review: Better Notifications for WordPress

Better Notifications is a great way to send out automatic email notifications to individuals, groups or users by role on WordPress. With this plugin you can customize the email using the WYSIWYG editor and short-codes. For example, the administrator can notify all subscribers when a new post has gone up on the website and include a logo, a link to the website and an unsubscribe button in the email.

Problem We Faced

We had a client that wanted to notify new WordPress users when their account had been set up.

The Solution

After a little bit of searching, this plugin seemed like the best solution for our client. We were able to set up notifications to a user when their account was set up, with a customized email featuring link to the site and instructions on how to log in for the first time.

What We Liked

We liked the automation of this plugin. Once it’s set up to the proper specifications, the administrator will no longer have to send out a manual email whenever an update is made, a new user is created or any other custom notification.

What We Didn’t Liked

While we loved that this plugin came with several automated email notifications, some of these weren’t user friendly, and can be difficult for site administrators to update.

Price:  Free

Platform: WordPress

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Customize WordPress user email notifications

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