What Are Our Values?

Here at Keybridge Web, we’re all a motley crew of differently minded individuals. But, while we all have our ways of analyzing and solving problems, we all come together in the pursuit of delivering exceptional web services to our clients.

And that’s all thanks to our core values: Quality, Merit, Independence, and Kaizen.

To demonstrate how these values underpin everything we do, we asked some of the Keybridge team to explain in their own words which of our values they identify with most.

Quality (Mandi)


“Quality seems like an obvious thing to strive for, but it is so often misunderstood. Quality is so much more than just how good the end product looks. In our view, every single step in the development process should be marked by quality and professionalism. We always endeavor to develop a deep sense of trust with our clients — a trust rooted in honesty, consistency, and clear communication.”

Merit (Mike)


“Here at Keybridge, our reputation is a major point of pride. We do everything we can to forge further opportunities through the quality of our work. We never take any relationship for granted, and always prove our worth to our clients.”

Independence (Julia)


“Independence, to us, is exemplified by hard work and self-reliance. During the development process, we take as much off our clients’ plates as we can so that they can focus on the really important stuff. We always make sure we’re doing the heavy lifting.”

Kaizen (Brannon)


“Before coming to Keybridge, I had never heard the term ‘Kaizen’ before. But it’s been a concept that I’ve been practicing in my life for as long as I can remember, even if I didn’t know the word for it.

Kaizen is a Japanese concept, notably popularized by Toyota, that promotes constant self-evaluation and incremental improvements to systems. Getting into a ‘Kaizen mindset’ pushes me to reflect on and streamline all of my habitual processes — anything from managing my email to pushing a site live.”


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What Are Our Values?

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