Site Showcase: RedOwl Analytics

Company: RedOwl Analytics

Theme we used: For RedOwl, we used the Bridge – Minimalist theme so we could feature bold graphics that would really make the site pop. With this theme, we were able to streamline a once text-heavy site so visitors would be able to navigate and find information with ease.

Plugins we used: For this particular client, we found that the LayerSlider and the Easy Twitter Feed plugins best suited their needs. LayerSlider allowed us to insert smooth transitions onto the product page, an important design feature. With the Easy Twitter Feed, we integrated their Twitter feed onto their website so that users can now view the feed without leaving the RedOwl site.

Client Goals: RedOwl envisioned a bold website that would make them stand out among their competition. They wanted to create a site that was easier to navigate and less text-heavy,  in order to effectively convey their message. They also wanted to showcase their staff in a way that looked sleek and innovative, while still providing information on each employee.

Our Solution: Adding custom coding allowed us to fulfill their goals. For example, we created a sliding feature on their product page that would give the chart the ability to glide in from the side of the page. This custom solution made the page responsive, which was important in showcasing their product. We also used custom coding in formatting RedOwl’s leadership page. In order to make their staff to stand out, we created a design that featured the leadership as the main focus of the page,  displaying large pictures and clickable “read more” tabs that drop down to reveal their bios. Finally, to exhibit the other employees, we made a separate “meet the team” page with smaller photos and short individual bios that appear when the user hovers over each respective picture. Using the combination of a great theme and custom coding,we successfully created a site that the client loves and will be easy for them to maintain in the future.

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Site Showcase: RedOwl Analytics

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