Add multiple WordPress users with three clicks

Review: Import Users from CSV with Meta

Set up multiple WordPress users at once by importing them onto the back-end of your site using a CSV file.

Problem We Faced

Upon going live with a site, a client asked if we could set up login credentials for their new admins and editors. There were over 20 users and we didn’t want to waste time manually creating an account for each person.

The Solution
This plugin allows for the addition of many users at once using a CSV file with the new users’ password, email address and username. From there you only need to let the plugin know what admin level each new user will get, import your CSV, and you’re off to the races!


What We Liked

Our favorite thing was simply how much time it saved us. It took a tedious task that could easily take 45 minutes to an hour, and took all of two minutes to complete once the CSV file was imported.

Another impressive feature was that the plugin would email all your new users their credentials. If you don’t want this feature, just uncheck the box.

What We Didn’t Liked

We would have liked if we could import users with different roles at one time. We ended up having to create two CSV files, one for admins and the other for shop managers. It only added a couple minutes to the process, but would have given the plugin five stars if not for this inconvenience.

Price: Free

Platform: WordPress

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Add multiple WordPress users with three clicks

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