Simple coming soon page with password protection for your website

Review: WP Maintenance Mode

Company: designmodo

Problem We Faced
We were creating a brand new site, and didn’t want it be available to the public until it was complete and approved by the client.

The Solution
We installed WP Maintenance Mode to password protect the site and create a “coming soon” page. The plugin was very easy to install and set-up. We had it up and running in a matter of minutes. All visitors see the “Coming Soon” page, but logged in WordPress back-end users are able to see the It includes several handy options such as a countdown to launch timer and the ability to collect email addresses so you can notify potential visitors when you do go live. In addition, the plugin also works great if you just need to take a site offline temporary for maintenance or upgrades.

How Could This Plugin Be Improved?
I don’t see any obvious improvements — I love the plugin — great work!

What We Liked Most
It was really helpful to be able to test a new site on the live domain without having to worry about visitors seeing an unfinished site.

Price: Free

Platform: WordPress

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Simple coming soon page with password protection for your website

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