Review: Save your website from outside threats

Review: iThemes Security Pro (Formerly Better WP Security)

Company:  iThemes

Problem We Faced

We had a client who was worried about a potential security threat to their site. We wanted to be able to lock the site down from a security standpoint.

The Solution
iThemes Security Pro was installed to quickly protect the website and to ensure the safety of the private information of the client.  From the very beginning, Security Pro scans your site and notifies you of the items that would make your website vulnerable to potential threats. The plugin also schedules backs up for your website and creates personal login areas.

Since many of the websites are prone to becoming targets for hackers, Security Pro generates strong, lengthy passwords and has a double authentication feature through codes that are sent to your phone. The security features from this plugin not only locks out hackers after several attempts but notifies you about the failed login attempts and file changes immediately. While you are away on vacation, the plugin also gives you the option to lock the site for a certain amount of time.

How Could This Plugin Be Improved?
No improvement needed. We think this plugin provides strong protection- We cannot wait for the upcoming Geo-IP Banning feature.

What We Liked Most
It was really helpful for clients who do not have to update their website frequently to have the option to lock the site for periods of time. We also like that it will tell you the common features that makes your site vulnerable after installation.

Price: $80 Personal (two licenses), $150 Developer (unlimited)

Platform: WordPress

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Review: Save your website from outside threats

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