Reorder your posts stress-free

Review: Post Type Order

Post Types Order is a powerful plugin that allows the back-end user to re-order any post type with a drag-and-drop interface. This can be done on both custom post types and default posts.

Problem We Faced

We were taking a lot of time to reorder portfolio images. It was originally necessary to change the date on each individual post to reorder it.

The Solution
CaptureThis plugin was an easy solution to our problem. Once activated we were able to move different posts exactly where we wanted them without displacing others in the process.

What We Liked 

We liked that we were able to use this on any custom post. Reordering our blog entries and portfolio images was a breeze and could be done quickly. It was straightforward and no additional coding was necessary.

How Could this Plugin be Improved

We found that this plugin would sometimes conflict with normal WordPress sorting options, depending on the theme being used.

Price: $25 (Advanced option)

Platform: WordPress

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Reorder your posts stress-free

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