Keep your new site under wraps until it’s ready for the public

Review: Hide My Site

With Hide My Site one password protects your entire site from everyone without credentials. The plugin is ideal for any site under development because it temporarily hides the site from the public and search engines.

Problem We Faced

We were creating a new site for a client and needed a way to keep the site hidden from everyone but the client and developers working on the site.

The Solution

Hide My Site was the ideal solution because it limited access to the site. We were able to give the password to our client when they wanted to see process on the site, while screening it from their visitors.

What We Liked 

screenshot-2 (2)The option to choose how many days you want a user to stayed logged on was one of our favorite features. We would give the client a few days to access the site so they could note any changes they wanted to make. After the three days, only our developers had access to work on the site. The plugin was very straightforward to use and, as of now, we have no complaints.

Price: Free

Platform: WordPress

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Keep your new site under wraps until it’s ready for the public

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