How to easily insert tracking codes onto your WordPress site

Review: Insert Headers and Footers

Insert Headers and Footers allows the WordPress admin to easily insert code and script into the website header without having to touch any theme files.

Problem We Faced

One of our clients wanted to add a Facebook Pixel to their website. While they were WordPress savvy, they were not as comfortable making edits to theme files or going into FTP.

The Solution

Insert Headers and Footers took the guess work out of adding code to the header of the site. Instead of messing with potentially site breaking files, we were able to add the code right into the plugin. In the screenshot below, you’ll see the plugin settings are intuitive, making it very clear where header and footer script should be placed.

This Plugin is Helpful Placing Script for:

  • Google Analytics
  • Facebook Pixel
  • Twitter Pixel
  • AdSense
  • Custom CSS


Price: Free

Platform: WordPress

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How to easily insert tracking codes onto your WordPress site

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