How to create interactive images on your WordPress website

Review: Draw Attention

Draw Attention allows users to make any image on a WordPress site interactive and informative. The front end user simply needs to hover or click on the part of the image they want to get more information on.

Problem We Faced

We were designing a website for a construction company and our client needed a way to show off different parts of their new complex. They wanted to highlight the different parts of their building in a way that would compliment the design, while also making it easy to find the needed information.

The Solution

We were able to use Draw Attention to grab sections of the client’s blueprint and show specialized information on each building. Here are a few of the features that made this the perfect solution for our project:

  • It’s super easy to select-to-draw everything from a simple square to a complex map.
  • Customize your highlight colors to compliment the rest of the site.
  • Choose from multiple layout options. For example, you can have the information appear in a box above the image or have the text show next to it.
  • Option to link out to another website or file.

Price: $74

Platform: WordPress

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How to create interactive images on your WordPress website

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