Have Ebay do the selling for you

Review: Auction Nudge

Company: Joseph Hawes

Problem We Faced

We wanted a to showcase a client’s Ebay products to their websites and have buyers be redirected to Ebay in order to buy.

The Solution

We have found a great plugin called Action Nudge which integrates directly with Ebay. This plugin is great because it shows you how great your customer service has been by allowing you to display your seller profile and product feedback. The plugin automatically updates the number of bids, price and the time left in the auction.

How Could This Plugin Be Improved?

It is great that this plugin is customizable when it comes to showcasing the products but we thought that there needed to be visual updates to make it more visually appealing for users in areas such as Ebay Ads and the user profile star.

What We Liked Most
One of the benefits of linking the official auction website such as Ebay is security. Since many of these online transactions require you to put in your credit card information or link your bank account, the seller and buyer would be protected by Ebay’s site protection. From clothes to cars, this plugin can help you start selling.

Price: Free

Platform: WordPress

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Have Ebay do the selling for you

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