Automatically Delete Sensitive Confidential Information from Gravity Forms

As privacy continues to be a central part of the online landscape, it is important to keep tabs on any data you’re collecting on your website through user forms. By default, Gravity Forms does a great job of logging and storing web form entries. And it will also allow you to manually delete some or all of the user data you’ve collected. However, Gravity Forms alone won’t handle every privacy situation. 

For example, we recently had a client who wanted to allow corporate customers to upload files through their WordPress website. Many of these documents contain sensitive financial information, so we didn’t want these documents to be retained on the website. 

The Entry Automation plugin was able handle this need perfectly. The plugin automatically deletes sensitive information on a scheduled basis. While we set to run daily, it’s easy to configure to the time interval that meets your needs. If you want to get more advanced, the plugin allows task “chaining” which means that you can set your forms to be exported then deleted on a specific schedule. 

The plugin is a premium plugin staring at $99/year. For our needs, it was a great fit. Well worth the price.

If you’d like any assistance getting privacy and compliance set up on your website, don’t hesitate to reach out to us at 877-302-2185. The team at Keybridge Web is happy to help.

Graphic of several documents coming out of a secure folder, for Keybridge Web, the best web design company in Washington DC
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Automatically Delete Sensitive Confidential Information from Gravity Forms

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