Appointy makes online bookings a breeze

You want a website that’s convenient and time-saving for both you and your customers — one of the best tools for this is an online scheduler. It’s a valuable resource for spas, salons, real estate agents, gyms, and any other business that takes appointments. We just found a great WP online appointment scheduling plugin that’s free and does just that.

Appointy allows your clients to book appointments online, 24×7 and manages all your appointments and calendars. What sets it apart is that unlike most scheduling apps, it doesn’t redirect your client to an external site — users can view availability and schedule appointments right from your homepage. The plugin features a calendar system that shows clients available slots for an entire month and syncs with your Google Calendar or iCal. And it tracks your staff to prevent double bookings as well as allowing you to customize the services and slots offered.

This is a great tool for anyone who wants to make their clients’ lives easier, as well as their own. Plus, Appointy features live support staff and is mobile-friendly for clients and administrators. We think a lot of our clients could benefit, and its worth checking out for any business looking to improve their web presence.

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Appointy makes online bookings a breeze

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