Why WordPress is One of the Best Business Catalyst Alternatives

Adobe Business Catalyst (BC) has been a popular CMS choice for businesses and agencies because it is a turnkey solution that includes content management, customer database, e-commerce, reporting/analytics, and email marketing. But all Business Catalyst sites will be taken down effective March 26, 2021, so anyone that depends on this CMS is forced to look for Business Catalyst alternatives.

Migrating a website can be a stressful and challenging ordeal, so it makes sense to start thinking about your switch now if you’re in this situation. Here is why going from Adobe Business Catalyst to WordPress is probably your best choice.

Why Move From Business Catalyst to WordPress

While no CMS is going to exactly match Business Catalyst, it would be difficult to argue that any alternative is better than WordPress. Sure, there will be some work involved with the migration, but the final result will make the effort worthwhile.

Here are just a few reasons why many clients are choosing to migrate from Business Catalyst to WordPress.

1. WordPress is Completely Free

[/vc_column_text][vc_column_text]Of course, you’re still going to need to pay for your domain and hosting, but WordPress itself is completely free, and that’s pretty amazing. You won’t pay any per-user fees to add your entire team to your WordPress site, which is something you might have experienced with BC.

2. Open Source Leads to Innovation

One of the reasons that WordPress has been so successful is that it is an Open Source CMS. This means that anyone can advance the program by improving and distributing the code. This leads to tons of innovation, and people around the world have tapped into WordPress to develop plugins and themes to enhance the experience for developers and users.

3. Large Support Network

WordPress is the CMS used on 30% of all sites online, and it has a massive support network. If you know nothing about this CMS, you can quickly get up to speed and have your questions answered through a variety of online sources. Some of these include WPMU DEV and WPBeginner.

4. Any Site is Possible With WordPress

If you’re concerned that your particular type of website can’t be replicated with WordPress, don’t be. The good news is that there are powerful tools you can incorporate into any WordPress site.

  • Blogs. This is one of the built-in functions of WordPress, and we can migrate your Business Catalyst posts seamlessly to the new site.
  • Business Sites. Any business site can be replicated or even enhanced through the WordPress CMS by choosing the right design.
  • E-Commerce Sites. e-Commerce is possible in WordPress by incorporating a solution such as WooCommerce and then importing your data through an XML file.
  • Membership Sites. WordPress has many membership options such as MembershipWorks and MemberPress that we can help integrate into your new site.

Your Options for Moving a Business Catalyst Site to WordPress

If you’re convinced that WordPress is the right CMS for you (If you’re not, give us a call to discuss this further), you have several options. Business Catalyst end of life is in 2021, but you should certainly start your migration as soon as possible.

Your first option is to do a straight migration, where Keybridge will move everything over to WordPress and keep your site’s content, structure, functionality, and design as close as possible to the original site.

The second option is to update your website with a fresh design that will improve functionality and the visitor experience. Our in-house design team will work with you on this process.

Give us a call at 877-302-2185 or reach out to us online to further discuss your upcoming migration from Adobe Business Catalyst to WordPress.

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Why WordPress is One of the Best Business Catalyst Alternatives

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