How to track file downloads on your WordPress website

Review: Download Monitor

Download Monitor answers the age old question, “How can I track downloads on my website?”. It’s a lightweight plugin that allows the admin user to track how many times a specific file has been clicked and downloaded from the back-end of  your website.

Problem We Faced

I’ve had a few people ask me if Google Analytics can track how many times an image had been clicked or if visitors were downloading their content. While Google Analytics is an awesome tool for tracking page analytics and user geography,  it’s not able to drill into this kind of specific information.

The Solution

Once we found and tested this plugin, I knew Download Monitor would work for our clients. It’s easy enough for someone with minimal WordPress experience to use and provides real time numbers for those who want to take analytics tracking a step further.

What We Would Change

While this plugin is simple to use, it can be tedious to get set up if you have a lot of downloads that you want to track.


Platform: WordPress

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How to track file downloads on your WordPress website

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