Keep visitors engaged on your WordPress site

Review: Quiz Cat

Give your visitors a reason to stay on your WordPress site with Quiz Cat! This plugin is perfect for creating custom, interactive quizzes on your website that are a snap to make. With the trend of Facebook and Buzzfeed quizzes going around, there is no better time to customize one for your web audience.

Problem We Faced

We had a client who was looking for a unique way to interact with their website visitors.

The Solution

Quiz Cat was the best plugin we found for creating custom quizzes. From figuring out what WordPress host is best for their site, to what Friends’ character is most like them, the possibilities are endless and keeps visitors engaged.

It can also be a great way to help sell online inventory. For example, a site selling skin care products could set up a quiz titled “What cleanser is right for you?”. The results would link right to the product page, making it quick and easy for customers to make a purchase.

What We Liked

Easily the best thing about this plugin was how simple it was to create new quizzes. We were able to quickly show the client how to put one together so they could do it on their own in the future — no coding required.

Price:  Free

Platform: WordPress

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Keep visitors engaged on your WordPress site

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