Why Elementor Page Builder for WordPress is a Better Choice Than the Block Editor: A Comprehensive Comparison

As WordPress continues to evolve, users are now faced with a choice of two distinct content editors – the classic editor, which has been around since the beginning, and the new block editor (also known as Gutenberg), which was introduced in WordPress 5.0. While the block editor has its benefits, many users prefer to use a page builder plugin like Elementor instead. Here are some of the reasons why Elementor is a better choice than the block editor.

Better Design Control

One of the biggest advantages of using Elementor over the block editor is the level of design control that it provides. With Elementor, you have complete control over the layout, design, and style of your website pages. You can drag and drop widgets, change fonts and colors, and even add animations and effects without any coding knowledge.

On the other hand, the block editor is limited to the predefined blocks and styles that are available within the editor. While there are some design options available, they are limited compared to what you can do with Elementor. Features of Elementor include customizable templates, widgets, and blocks, as well as advanced design capabilities such as responsive design, global settings, and custom CSS. Additionally, Elementor offers integrations with popular third-party tools such as WooCommerce, Mailchimp, and Yoast SEO.

Easy to Use

Elementor is designed to be easy to use for users of all skill levels. It has a clean, intuitive interface that makes it easy to drag and drop elements and build pages without any coding knowledge. You can create pages from scratch or use one of the many pre-made templates that come with the plugin.

The block editor, while more user-friendly than the classic editor, can still be a bit confusing for some users. It takes time to get used to the new interface and learn how to use the different blocks effectively.

Website Speed

One spot where the block editor tends to edge out Elementor is site speed. The block editor in WordPress is a built-in feature that is optimized for site speed because it doesn’t require additional code or resources to function. Elementor, on the other hand, is a third-party plugin that adds extra overhead to your site, potentially slowing down your page load times.

That said, Elementor is still designed to be lightweight and fast. It uses clean code and optimized assets to ensure that your website loads quickly, even with complex designs and animations.

More Advanced Features

While the block editor is a step up from the classic editor, it still lacks some of the more advanced features that are available with Elementor. For example, Elementor provides a variety of advanced widgets, such as contact forms, social media integrations, and pricing tables, that are not available within the block editor.


While the block editor has its benefits, it is clear that Elementor provides more design control, ease of use and more advanced features. Whether you are a beginner or an experienced web developer, Elementor is a great choice for building beautiful and functional WordPress websites.

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Why Elementor Page Builder for WordPress is a Better Choice Than the Block Editor: A Comprehensive Comparison

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