Worry-Free Maintenance

With our worry-free plans, you can focus on growing your business and not maintaining your website.

SSL certificate

100GB of online storage

DNS management

Security updates & patch installs

Update WordPress, themes, and plugins (annually)

Full website backups (daily)

Premium security + hacking prevention

Performance website hosting

Support billed hourly

SSL certificate

100GB of online storage

DNS management

Security updates & patch installs

Update WordPress, themes, and plugins (tri-annually)

Full website backups (daily)

Premium security + hacking prevention

Performance website hosting

Uptime monitoring

1 hour of support per month

SSL certificate

100GB of online storage

DNS management

Security updates & patch installs

Update WordPress, themes, and plugins (monthly)

Full website backups (daily)

Premium security + hacking prevention

Performance website hosting

Uptime monitoring

2 hours of support per month

Google Analytics reporting

One blog post per month, written & posted*

1 new targeted SEO term per quarter

SEO position tracking

*Additional posts can be added at the rate of $1,500 per post.

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