Create a full featured job board with Jobify for WordPress

For industries that rely on job listings, functionality and design should be carefully considered when building a website. You want your users to be able to easily apply for jobs as well as display a beautiful site that will excite visitors.

The biggest issues we found with online job boards was either an unappealing and difficult to navigate interface — or the site looked great and didn’t work as it should. The Jobify WordPress theme solves these problems with a simple live job search and filter to make finding relevant listings a breeze.

Jobify creates a community of employers and prospective employees that makes everyone’s life easier. For prospective employees, you can narrow listings down to your desired industry, location and position with an easy search and filter bar that can be customized based on the site’s needs. Capture2

For employers, the search engine can be used to find relevant resumes based on key words or phrases, saving time that would be used manually going through each applicant. Applications can be viewed and managed from your WordPress dashboard or sent to a separate email address to ensure information is given to the appropriate administrator.

As with most WordPress themes, Jobify is completely responsive, so applying for jobs on the go is just as simple as from your desktop.


We love this theme for the easy integration of plugins, no matter the industry.  Our favorites are Resume Manger, Job Alerts, WC Paid Listings and Indeed Integrations. While we found Jobify was perfect for staffing agencies, we can see it working just as well for any company looking to post job listings.

So if you’re looking to add these features to your site, give us a call at 877-302-2185, and we’ll get you set up with a stunning website with even better user experience.

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Create a full featured job board with Jobify for WordPress

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