Streamlined Payments Made Easy with MembershipWorks

If you’ve been keeping up with our blog, you know our love for MembershipWorks runs deep. As one of our go-to membership management softwares of choice, we really appreciate their ability to update technology as the need arises and take suggestions from real users.

MembershipWorks’ newest feature allows members to request an invoice be sent to their email. Previously, the site admin would need to manually send an invoice, or the primary contact would need to login in order to make this payment.

With the updated invoicing, the payment link can be used by anyone in the organization. It gives the option to pay directly by credit card or through other offline payment methods, such as a check or phone call to the association. This is super helpful if the bill needs to be paid by someone with a company card.

If you already have MembershipWorks on your site and are familiar with updating membership levels, incorporating this feature into your site is super straightforward. Just follow the below steps provided by the MembershipWorks team:

  1. Go to MembershipWorks > Labels & Membership
  2. Click on a membership level to open it
  3. Go to the “Billing Options” tab
  4. Click on an “Offline” billing option to open it
  5. Enable “allow members to request/generate invoice”
  6. Click “Save”

To learn more about this new feature, view their in-depth post on the topic here:

For a comprehensive guide on integrating MembershipWorks with WordPress, refer back to our Ultimate Guide to Building Association Websites with WordPress and MembershipWorks.
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Streamlined Payments Made Easy with MembershipWorks

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