Clean up the back-end of your WordPress site with one click

Review: Bulk Delete

The Bulk Delete plugin allows the back-end user of any WordPress site to delete posts, pages, attachments and users. You simply enter filter criteria to choose what you want to delete, and with a push of a button, it’s gone. Although there is a free version available, if you want advanced deleting capabilities, you must purchase separate addons.

Problem We Faced

We were looking to do some clean up on the back-end of one of our client’s site and didn’t want to waste time deleting one unwanted post at a time.

The Solution

We downloaded Bulk Plugin and it worked as promised. Deleting unwanted pages and posts was a breeze by entering in criteria for a set of posts we didn’t want. We were able to get rid of all drafts that were never published and delete posts by users who were no longer active on the site.

What We Liked 

Capture1We loved the option to eliminate posts that fell past a certain time period. Enter in “delete posts older than 80 days” and all those posts would be wiped out. Our client was able to easily use this plugin without previous coding experience.

How Could This Plugin Be Improved?

While it’s convenient that you can purchase just the Bulk Delete addons you need, we would like the option to buy the plugin with all addons included in one price.

Price: Varies based on addons

Platform: WordPress

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Clean up the back-end of your WordPress site with one click

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